Instagram se convertido en un auténtico campo de cultivo para generar mayor creatividad. Lo amigable de esta aplicación móvil ha logrado que un número cada vez mayor de personas puedan expresarse a través de las imágenes… si los fotógrafos aficonados pueden lograr grandes tomas, imagínate lo que los profesionales de la imagen han logrado desde sus cuentas personales de esta red social.

Diseñadores, fotógrafos, arquitectos, cineastas y demás creativos visuales suelen sorprender al mundo de la web con las imágenes cotidianas que plasman en sus fotografías, aprovechan la posibilidad de contar siempre con un aparato fotográfico a la mano, encuadran su vida diaria y publican instantáneas de lo más inspiradoras.

A continuación te mostramos  NN cuentas de Instagram que como creativo visual te conviene seguir, te proporcionarán una fuente casi cxasi inagotable de inspiración.

1.- Vicky Navarro, arquitecta mexicana.

? Fatima Yamaha | What's A Girl To Do I ? CDMX

A photo posted by VickyNavarro (@lavicvic) on

2.- Jussi Ulkuniemi, fotógrafo.


A photo posted by Jussi Ulkuniemi (@skwii) on

3.- Dan Rubin, diseñador británico.

4.- Sarah Palmer, instagramer.

Making starlight jar nightlights for my camp mates & friends ?✨

A photo posted by Sarah Palmer (@heysp) on

5.- Roman Palchenkov, cineasta.

A photo posted by Roman Palchenkov (@palchenkov) on

A photo posted by Roman Palchenkov (@palchenkov) on

6.- Sam Horine, fotógrafo neoyorkino.

a particularly enjoyable shade of purple tonight ?

A photo posted by Sam Horine (@samhorine) on

catch as catch can

A photo posted by Sam Horine (@samhorine) on

7.- Janske, fotógrafo.


A photo posted by janske (@janske) on


A photo posted by janske (@janske) on

8.- Adam Senatori, fotógrafo.

A photo posted by Adam Senatori (@adamsenatori) on

9.- Paul Octavious, Chicago.

When a friends been gone for a while and you show him a new secret spot in the city 🙂

A photo posted by Paul Octavious (@pauloctavious) on

Still daydreaming of this day…? Largest Slip N Slide ever!

A video posted by Paul Octavious (@pauloctavious) on

10.- Kirsten Alana, fotografía.

Today in Alaska presented moments of such supreme stillness, peace and yet connectivity to other people that I had to try and write about it even though it means skipping ahead in my story of this state. Because what good is it if I tell you to visit a destination where you might not have real connections to anything. We met up early, strangers all, and traveled away from Anchorage, up to Willow with @murklcom; where we spent the day at a private home on a lake, able to choose all manner of activities or enjoy an endless buffet of food + the company of like-minded #ATWS2016 attendees & a host of Alaskans working in various industries that service locals or tourists. The goal was to relax into enjoying Alaska, and into the stories that make this state The Last Frontier. I did a little bit of it all: taking photos, telling stories, hearing stories, eating AMAZING food, making friends with sled dogs and even getting a bit of a workout out on the water. It was during my second time in the kayak just before we all packed up to [reluctantly] leave, that this moment occurred. The water was as flat as a plate of glass, the colors were heightened by the setting sun and after I pulled alongside Mauricio from @fantastico_sur we shared our mutual appreciation for the stillness of the moment and the importance of taking time to observe such moments when they occur in our hectic lives; rare that they are. He said, and I'm paraphrasing, "that we have a mission to give people their life back, to help them find their heart… through travel." I thought it was so profound because we just met today but not knowing me, he cut right to the heart of what I want to do. I don't travel to make you jealous, to make you feel envy or to be cool, I travel to remind you what's possible, to encourage you to find and grab the opportunities that will make YOU come alive. Like I did in the stillness of a lake in the middle of nowhere in Alaska today. #DayOfAdventure

A photo posted by Kirsten Alana ? (@kirstenalana) on